Saturday, November 26, 2011

Packages from Grandma P!

I think Alex wanted to get his hands on the package sent from Grandma P!

Thanks for the outfit, Grandma!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Alex is 4 Months Old!

July 12, 2011
August 12, 2011
 September 12, 2011
 October 12, 2011
 November 12, 2011

Happy Birthday, Jamie!

Jamie is celebrating her birthday today! We wish you a great one!
Jamie celebrating Amy's graduation!
This is one of my favorite pictures with her.....especially because she said she would not be attending our wedding.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Jimmy's First Time Away

Jimmy had to travel this week so Alex and I entertained ourselves by taking pictures to show him when he returned.  Here are some of my favorites.

A Second Date....

Alex and I met up with Christine and her sweet little one, Kimberly.  This was their second official date...meaning a gathering in which they had a photo shoot together.

This was their first date.....

Monday, November 7, 2011

Three New Things.....

 Alex has been busy this past week with three big new things.  First, he gave his first all out giggle!  We were lucky in that both Jimmy and I were present for the chuckle!
Happy 1st Birthday, Caleb!
Secondly, we attended Caleb's first birthday party.  He is a sweetheart and we look forward to the boys being friends.  As we were leaving they had to have a quick chat!
Lastly, Alex has teeth coming in! Anything and everything goes in his mouth and you can see the progression of the giraffe making his way to Alex's mouth.